Thursday, 30 April 2009

Kitchen Accessories

We've dipped our toes into the kitchen accessories market with a small range of products such as worktop protectors, key cupboards, roll holders etc.
We've gone for good value style rather than cheap prices.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Bathroom mirrors

To compliment the fast growing bathroom cabinet range we have added a great selection of bathroom mirrors ranging from simple mirrors by Jendico through to exotic LED illuminated mirrors

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Top of Google

Oops... I forgot to note that we got to the top page on google for the phrase 'bathroom accessories'

Luxury Bathroom Cabinets

We have expanded the products on offer to include luxury high gloss bathroom cabinets and LED backlit cabinets by Sloegrin together with great value stainless steel cabinets from Jendico