Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Ergonomic Wash Basins

We've added as a special order product, a new Ergonomic Wash Basin available on a 10 day delivery from Nofer of Spain.
The ergonomic basin has a special concave design which allows wheelchair users or someone using a walking frame to get nearer the tap at the back.
There are also 2 wide flat panels each side of the bowl which can be used as elbow rests.
It's suitable for Doc M public washrooms so that's the category we have put it in.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Press Page

We've changed Ziggi's press page not from an aestetic point of view but to avoid any issue with copyright licensing.
It's a bit of a pity as we did like publicising all the publications that had featured us but as there are so many grey areas with regard to magazine copyright, we have changed the page to a simple press office page dedicated to providing product or lifestyle images to anyone wanting them.