Sunday, 19 August 2018

Yet another article!

Our articles are like buses, they seem to come in threes.
The latest is one for anyone in the food industry detailing the risks associated with food hygiene and how to encourage good practices.
This article is for care home and hospital caterers and is also relevant for food retailers dealing with the public: Public Catering Food Hygiene

Monday, 13 August 2018

Bathing Risks For The Elderly

We have had an experienced medical journalist research and write an excellent article on bathing risks for the elderly and explains the pitfalls in both domestic bathrooms and care/nursing homes.
The article has been published on Notjusttaps and can be seen here:
Bathing risks for the elderly

Sunday, 5 August 2018

A great article about legionella risks

We written a really good, to the point guide to the main areas of risks for legionaires (legionella) disease in hospitals and care/nursing homes together with the areas where these risks can be managed.
Although aimed primarily at hospitals, it is also useful for care/nursing homes and any public building used by those with impaired immune systems
The article can be seen here: Key Legionella Risks in Hospitals and Care Homes